Lifestyle Deck - Danielle Maylyn Sat, 11 Feb 2023 23:07:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Lifestyle Deck - Danielle Maylyn 32 32 224377232 BAGGAGE Thu, 09 Feb 2023 22:59:38 +0000 Emotional scars from your past run deep. A past relationship has left you hurt, vulnerable, and heavy-hearted. You have been[...]

The post BAGGAGE first appeared on Danielle Maylyn.

Emotional scars from your past run deep.

A past relationship has left you hurt, vulnerable, and heavy-hearted. You have been carrying the burden because you have been too afraid to confront your emotions. Continuing to push them to the side has added further weight to your already heavy baggage.

Opening old wounds stirs up memories that pull on your heart strings. However, you must pull on those strings in order to heal. Lighten your load by revising these painful memories to replace feelings of guilt, shame, or regret. You cannot undo the past, but you can remove the damaging self-beliefs it helped create.

The post BAGGAGE first appeared on Danielle Maylyn.

CONFESSION Thu, 09 Feb 2023 22:59:00 +0000 A truthful confession will be made. Someone will disclose a secret, reveal concealed information, or accept responsibility for their actions. You[...]

The post CONFESSION first appeared on Danielle Maylyn.

A truthful confession will be made.

Someone will disclose a secret, reveal concealed information, or accept responsibility for their actions. You may not like what they have to say, but the information will inspire you to react. Question the source. What were their motivations for withholding this information? What have they got to gain by telling you? Are they likely to reveal your secrets?

Perhaps you are the one who has not been completely honest or transparent in your actions. If so, this heart code is encouraging you to admit the truth, clear your conscience, and accept the consequences. Carrying guilt, shame, and remorse will only lead to self-destructive behavioral patterns. 

The post CONFESSION first appeared on Danielle Maylyn.

RELATIONSHIP Thu, 09 Feb 2023 22:57:56 +0000 Consider rebuilding a broken relationship. You are holding onto grudges that are no longer relevant. It is time to let[...]

The post RELATIONSHIP first appeared on Danielle Maylyn.

Consider rebuilding a broken relationship. You are holding onto grudges that are no longer relevant.

It is time to let go of your emotionally charged principles and extend a hand in reconciliation. Your emotional wounds still bare scars. Use this reunion as an opportunity to heal through love, acceptance, and forgiveness. 

Contemplate how this disagreement or falling out made you feel. What emotions did you define it with? Reprogram those emotions by replacing them with new, less destructive sentiments. Bruised egos and unresolved emotions will intensify the more that you try to justify them. Communicate how you feel but avoid revisiting or exacerbating old feuds. 

The post RELATIONSHIP first appeared on Danielle Maylyn.

SUDDEN Thu, 09 Feb 2023 22:56:07 +0000 You will confidently make a sudden and unexpected change in your direction in life. Your decision will appear to be[...]

The post SUDDEN first appeared on Danielle Maylyn.

You will confidently make a sudden and unexpected change in your direction in life.

Your decision will appear to be rushed, miscalculated, and out of character by those around you. But you will know instinctively that this is the right decision to make, and you will not be convinced otherwise.

As random as your decision may seem to others, it will be made with an immense sense of clarity and purpose. You might suddenly decide to relocate, change professions, end a relationship, or even set off on an around-the-world adventure. In whichever direction you decide to leap, know that you will find your feet. 

The post SUDDEN first appeared on Danielle Maylyn.

GUARDED Thu, 09 Feb 2023 22:55:26 +0000 The years have made you strong, but it’s time to lower your protective shield and reveal the true you. Your[...]

The post GUARDED first appeared on Danielle Maylyn.

The years have made you strong, but it’s time to lower your protective shield and reveal the true you.

Your toughened exterior is concealing your vulnerabilities and protecting you from further heartache. Emotional scars from your past have made you hesitant, stand-offish, and untrusting. 

Your defense mechanisms have become a default layer of your personality, keeping people at a safe distance. However, your untrusting attitude is attracting people who deserve not to be trusted. If you want supportive and reliable relationships, you must lower your defenses and look beyond your trust issues. Stop sabotaging your relationships before they begin.

The post GUARDED first appeared on Danielle Maylyn.

BLAME Thu, 09 Feb 2023 22:54:31 +0000 You are being blamed for someone else’s failings and mistakes because they refuse to accept responsibility. Emotional manipulators will always[...]

The post BLAME first appeared on Danielle Maylyn.

You are being blamed for someone else’s failings and mistakes because they refuse to accept responsibility.

Emotional manipulators will always justify with an external reason for their adversity and misfortune. They need to pull others down to share their misery or make themselves look superior and will do anything to avoid being the one at fault.

It’s difficult to tell a habitual blame shifter that they are to blame because they get defensive and feel victimized. They seem to always have a back story that attaches blame to the people around them, their past, or their circumstances. Avoid engaging in this type of behavior and distance yourself from their drama.

The post BLAME first appeared on Danielle Maylyn.

INTERACTION Thu, 09 Feb 2023 22:53:45 +0000 Your external experiences are reflecting your behavior. Use this as a mirror to examine how you interact with others. How[...]

The post INTERACTION first appeared on Danielle Maylyn.

Your external experiences are reflecting your behavior.

Use this as a mirror to examine how you interact with others. How you communicate and engage with the people around you will be reflected and amplified back to you in a similar way. To end repetitive cycles and negative behavioral patterns, acknowledge your wrongdoings and make a conscious effort to implement change.

You may feel unheard, but are you listening? A friend might seem oversensitive and temperamental, but are your reactions similarly unpredictable and volatile? Such a mirror provides insight into aspects of yourself that you may not necessarily like in others. By addressing those aspects of yourself, you will eliminate them from your experiences.

The post INTERACTION first appeared on Danielle Maylyn.

LONELINESS Thu, 09 Feb 2023 22:52:36 +0000 You may be socially connected to a number of people but have been feeling alone. Your external reality is mirroring[...]

The post LONELINESS first appeared on Danielle Maylyn.

You may be socially connected to a number of people but have been feeling alone.

Your external reality is mirroring your internal isolation and emptiness. Use this time to re-evaluate your needs, preferences, and beliefs about relationships. Are you subconsciously distancing yourself from people because you are mistrusting or afraid of judgment? Do you feel undeserving of companionship, or do you feel like an outsider who is often misunderstood? 

Rather than seeing a lack in your life, recognize that you are in a holding pattern awaiting contemplation and choice. Once you have aligned your beliefs with your self-perceptions, you will recognize the direct influence your beliefs have on your physical experiences. You will then make choices that will lead to change.

The post LONELINESS first appeared on Danielle Maylyn.

WARNING Thu, 09 Feb 2023 22:51:34 +0000 Alarm bells have been going off because something just doesn’t feel right. You have been questioning your suspicions. But your[...]

The post WARNING first appeared on Danielle Maylyn.

Alarm bells have been going off because something just doesn’t feel right.

You have been questioning your suspicions. But your intuition is on point, and there is good reason for your concerns. Someone is acting shadily, and the truth will be exposed. If you have a hunch or an inkling, follow your intuition. Chances are you may be onto something. 

This heart code suggests that someone is trying to hide something from you or mislead you. Maybe a friend is scheming behind your back, or a work colleague is being deceptive so they get the promotion. Deception can come in many forms, but the truth will eventually come out. 

The post WARNING first appeared on Danielle Maylyn.

PROJECTING Thu, 09 Feb 2023 22:50:53 +0000 You are projecting aspects of your old relationships onto your new ones. Through comparisons, unrealistic expectations, and fear-fueled assumptions, you[...]

The post PROJECTING first appeared on Danielle Maylyn.

You are projecting aspects of your old relationships onto your new ones.

Through comparisons, unrealistic expectations, and fear-fueled assumptions, you are setting your current relationships up to fail. What you had can never be again, so comparisons will always disappoint, and expectations will always fall short.

Your relationships will always reflect who you believe yourself to be. You are no longer the same person. Instead of thinking that you will never experience that level of love again, reframe your expectations by being open to the possibility that a future relationship could exceed anything you have ever experienced. It’s time to leave the past where it belongs.

The post PROJECTING first appeared on Danielle Maylyn.
